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Alliance Rail Holdings (Alliance) is a Company established to provide new open access rail services across the UK, offering direct links to London.

Delivering new ‘open access’ rail services – outside the franchising system – is a costly and complicated process, but the team at Alliance has a wealth of experience in the identification and delivery of such services.

Latest News

1 August 2018

Alliance Rail Holdings is disappointed that its application for rights to operate trains between Southampton Central and London Waterloo has today been rejected by the Office Rail and Road (ORR) in its role as rail regulator. That proposal was to operate up to 18 trains per day offering faster journeys from some stations, relief from crowding and the benefits of passenger choice including advance fares. The ORR’s letter gives several reasons for rejecting the application, many of which we could not have anticipated when we made our application at the end of 2016.

In its decision the ORR has also indicated the evidence that would be needed to support a revised application. Alliance welcomes the opportunity to discuss these points with the ORR and will address them as it develops further plans for new rail services. We remain confident that there are significant benefits to passengers and communities when passengers are provided with the opportunity to choose between operators when they travel.